Senin, 27 Desember 2010
Selasa, 07 Desember 2010
Hello Strangers! :)
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Archive for the 10 Favorite Actresses of the 1950′s Category
Favorite Actress of the 1950′s ~ #1 ~ Elizabeth Taylor
Favorite Actresses of the 1950's ~ Katherine Hepburn ~ # 2
Favorite Actresses of the 1950's ~ Grace Kelly ~ # 3
Favorite Actresses of the 50's ~ Audrey Hepburn ~ # 4
Favorite Actresses of the 50's ~ Bette Davis ~ # 5
Favorite Actresses of the 50's ~ Natalie Wood ~ # 6
Favorite Actresses of the 50′s ~ Lana Turner ~ #7
In 1958 Turner's only child , Cheryl Crane , stabbed and killed Johnny Stompanato with a kitchen knife . Turner was trying to break off the relationship . The judge ruled justifiable Homicide after hearing evidence of the violence and threats made by Stompanato . Despite the unstable environment of the Turner household , Cheryl was reunited with her mother .
Favorite Actress of the 1950′s ~ Eva Marie Saint~#8
Favorite Actresses of the 1950′s ~ #9 ~ Thelma Ritter
Some of her best-known roles included Bette Davis's devoted maid in All About Eve (1950) as Gene Tierney's maid - mother in law in The Mating Season (1951) , James Stewart's nurse in Rear Window (1954) , and as Doris Day's housekeeper in Pillow Talk (1959) . Her turn in John Huston's The Misfits (1961) , where she played opposite Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable , also garnered favorable reviews .
Favorite Actresses of the 50′s ~ Marilyn Monroe ~ #10
Xoxo ,
(copy from Michael's Movie Mania blog)
Minggu, 30 Mei 2010
2 resep enak dan lumayan bikin kenyang :D
bahan-bahan :
- 1 vita puding jelly rasa coklat
- nata de coco
- pearl (jeli mutiara)
- 2 sdm susu kental manis
- es serut
- serut vita puding jelly biar jadi panjang-panjang (kayak pita)
- campur serutan puding , nata de coco , pearl dan susu kental manis diatas es serut , voila ! chocolate crush yang enak siap kamu nikmati
Croissant Souffle
bahan-bahan :
- 4 croissant breadtalk
- 150 gr susu cair full cream
- 4 butir telur ayam
- 8 sdm gula pasir
- kocok telur , gula pasir , dan susu cair full cream sampai rata
- potong croissant jadi beberapa bagian , masukkan kedalam wadah khusus tahan panas bersama telur , gula , dan susu yg telah dikocok
- panggang selama 30 menit
label artikel baru :)
Yang pertama "Fun Kitchen" . Diharapkan kalian bisa bikin cemilan2 enak dan gak ribet . Lumayan buat ngemil pas stok chiki menipis :D
Yang kedua "Beauty Secret" disini gue bagi-bagi tips kecantikan supaya lo tampil perfect :)
Yang ketiga "My Travelling Experience" . Gue akan cerita-cerita tentang negara-negara yang udah pernah gue kunjungin waktu liburan . Bisa lah buat recommended place for your holiday ..
Yang keempat "Health Health Health" . Membicarakan soal kesehatan tubuh , penting dan wajib buat antisipasi ;)
Oh ya , gue juga akan nulis green issue yang berhubungan sama pengurangan perparahan global warming ! jadi one man one tree (it's my favourite quotes , of course ! )
happy reading ya :*
Xoxo ,
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
Hitler "Makan" Lollipop Gue
Sekitar 2 jam kemudian nenek balik , gue tanya "Lama banget mum ? abis darimana sih ?"
nenek bilang "Shya , tau gak Hitler suruh nenek buat ke Candy Shop beli lollipop yang sama persis sama yang dimakan Hitler . Artinya dia ngerti bahwa dia salah , sekarang dia udah ganti lollipop kamu tuh . Mau maafin Hitler apa gak ? kalo gak yaa Hitler mum bawa pulang ke eindhoven"
gue bilang "Serius mum ? aku gak percaya lho ! *tapi pas dikasih bukti baru percaya* . Yah aku maafin , tapi jangan dibawa pulang dong mum . Hitler kan anjingku mum"
"Kamu bilang terimakasih dong sama Hitler"
akhirnya gue minta maaf ke Hitler "Hilter yang ganteng , yang imut , yang keren .. maafin aku ya . Makasih udah mau ganti lollipopnya muah :) "
kata Hitler "Guk guk guk" *artinya : "sama-sama neng cantik (?)"*
hahaha ternyata gak cuma manusia yang bisa ngakuin kesalahan . Hewan juga bisa ! ILYSM My Hiter :* muah
Xoxo ,
Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010
Not that PRETTY yet so BEAUTIFUL
- A happy face
- Not being ignorant
That's why , kita nggak boleh ignorant sama apa yang terjadi di sekitar . Kalau perlu , inisiatif bikin keadaan jadi lebih baik . Dijamin kecerdasan kamu akan lebih terpancar .
- Religious girl
- Chick with hospitality
- Well-groomed
Nggak heran dong kalo cewek yang selalu menjaga penampilannya jadi terlihat lebih menarik . Rambut selalu bebas minyak , wajah mulus , dan kuku bersih . Nggak perlu ekstrem kok , yang penting selalu bersih dan terawat . Nggak lucu kan kalo pagi-pagi ngobrol sama gebetan di sekolah ada kotoran gigi yang nyelip gara-gara sikat giginya gak bersih .
- Silly & funny
Xoxo ,
(Sumber : Gogirl Magz)
Minggu, 18 April 2010
The History Of Gummi Candy
In 1981, another German gummi candy manufacturer called Trolli decided to made the first gummi worm. Gummi worms have become the most popular gummi candy ever made. The average Brite Crawler the number one sold gummi worm is two inches long.
Edible gelatin is the basic ingredient in gummi candy. Gelatin is also found in soft caramels, marshmallows, foam-filled wafers, licorice, wine gums, pastilles, chocolate coated mallows and a host of other sweets, because it gives candy elasticity, the desired chewy consistency, and a longer shelf life. Gelatin has been used since the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs.
How Gummi Candy Is Mass Produced
According to Black Forest the makers of assorted gummies, "gummi candies are a blend of corn starch, corn syrup, sugar, gelatin, color, and flavor." The ingredients are weighed, mixed, and pumped into a special candy cooker that Black Forest uses, a 128 foot long stainless steel coil that cooks the candy by steam outside of the coil. Then the cooker pumps the gummi into a vacuum chamber to remove excess moisture. From the vacuum chamber the gummi moves on to a mix station where colors, flavors, acids, and fruit concentrates are mixed into the gummi stock. Next, the Mogul, a starch moulding machine pumps the gummi stock into starch filled mould boards that shape the gummi candies. After curing, the gummies are removed from the moulds, packaged, delivered, and sold.All I Wanted !! *my fave song yayyy !!*
Lagunya juga uenak banget :)
Four thumbs up deh buat Paramore cause udah bikin lagu-lagu yang keren ! hihihihi
Think of me when you’re out, when you’re out there
I’ll beg you nice from my knees
When the world treats you way too fairly
It’s a shame I’m a dream
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
I think I’ll pace my apartment a few times
And fall asleep on the couch
And wake up early to black and white re-runs
That escaped from my mouth
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
I could follow you to the beginning
Just to relive the start
And maybe then we’ll remember to slow down
At all of our favorite parts
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
Xoxo ,
Minggu, 11 April 2010
The History Of Lollipop Candy
Main Entry: lol•li•pop
Variant(s): or lol-ly-pop
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from English dialect lolly (tongue) + pop
Date: 1784
1: a lump of hard candy on the end of a stick 2: British: a round stop sign on a pole used to stop traffic (as at a school crossing).
Although the definition of one of the best selling candy items is relatively simple, the actual history is a little more complicated.
The first candy on a stick, according to the National Confectionary Association, was probably created by cavemen who maintained beehives and collected honey by stick. Not wanting to waste the sweet residue, they, most likely, licked the utensil and thus the first unintentional lollipop, or, candy on a stick, was born.
It has been reported and verified through archeological discoveries that ancient Arabs, Chinese and Egyptians produced fruit and nut confections which were "candied" in honey which served as a preservative. Due to the nature of the sticky substance, recent discoveries have hinted that sticks were inserted into these treats to make them easier to eat.
In the middle ages in Europe, sugar was an imported luxury item thus making candy extremely expensive. As such, it was enjoyed by nobility and the very wealthy. In order to make this delicacy last longer, sugar was boiled and formed into hard blocks. Although this might be considered the advent of bulk candy, it is reported that candy treats were made complete with sticks and ornate handles.
In the 17th Century, as sugar became plentiful, it was considered a delicacy in England to enjoy boiled sugar candy treats. In order to make them easier to eat, a stick was inserted. By looking at the definition, linguists have surmised that the term "lollipop" may have been derived from street vendors in London during the age of Charles Dickens.
With the discovery of sugar beet juice and the onset of the industrial revolution, the confectionary manufacturing industry blossomed like never before. Hard candy such as horehound drops, lemon drops and peppermint and wintergreen lozenges became commonplace and new candies were created daily.
As with so many other technical innovations, the 20th century ushered in the era of automation and this is where the true history of the birth of the lollipop begins.
There remain discrepancies as to who was the true creator of lollipops. As early as 1905, the McAviney Candy Company, now defunct, may have stumbled upon the lollipop by default. The owner created boiled hard candies which were stirred by stick. At day's end, as a treat for his children, he would bring home sticks covered with the hard candy residue. It wasn't until 1908 that he began to market these "used candy sticks". Although hard evidence does not exist as to when the first candy stick was sold, if true, this would make the McAviney Candy Company the first to offer mass produced lollipops.
In 1908 in Racine, Wisconsin, the first automated lollipop production was invented by the Racine Confectionary Machine Company, not out of ingenuity but rather in the call of service. This innovative, and now defunct, company invented a machine whose sole purpose was to find a way to put hard candy on the end of a stick. The output of this machine was 2400 lollipops per hour and the company believed that they could produce enough lollipops in a week to supply the nation's demand for one year.
The Racine Confectionary Company held the title of the creator of the mass produced lollipop until approximately 1912 when Samuel Born, a Russian immigrant and entrepreneur, invented a machine whose sole purpose was to automatically insert sticks into candy. The City of San Francisco considered this candy innovation so amazing that they awarded him the keys to the city in 1916!
Ever restless and a true lover of confectionaries, Samuel Born is also credited with inventing Sprinkles (or, as they are affectionately called on the East Coast, Jimmies) which are the candy toppings often found on desserts and ice cream. This idea stemmed from his desire to use every portion of the byproducts of creating lollipops.
Unfortunately, no one knows exactly when the lollipop was created, but we do know that it is one of the most popular candies in existence.
While the Racine Confectionary Company was able to produce 57,000 lollipops in one day, which they felt would satisfy the market for an entire year, modern candy companies, such as Spangler Candy Company (creator of Dum Dum Lollipops, Saf-T-Pop and countless other lollipop favorites) can produce up to 3,000,000 per day which hardly satisfies the nation's cravings!
Lollipops come in all shapes and sizes and we offer over 35 varieties from which to choose. Whether you want a Charms Lollipop, Tootsie Pop or a lollipop with a cricket, our candy selection is second to none.
Xoxo ,
Sabtu, 10 April 2010
Arti Hidup Itu ....
sendiri . Tentang kepercayaan , kebahagiaan , dan welas asih . Hidup adalah tentang menghindari rasa cemburu , mengatasi rasa tak peduli dan membina kepercayaan . Tentang apa yang kau maksudkan . Tentang menghargai orang apa adanya dan bukan karena apa yang dimilikinya . Dan yang terpenting , hidup ini adalah tentang memilih menggunakan hidupmu untuk menyentuh orang lain dengan cara yang tak bisa digantikan dengan cara lain . Hidup adalah tentang itu :)
NB : Kata - kata ini diambil dari buku psikologi favorit gue , Chicken Soup For The Soul . Di buku ini banyak kisah - kisah yang menginspirasi kita untuk respect sama diri sendiri dan belajar menghargai hidup . Dan juga mensyukuri apa yang udah kita miliki yang enggak dimiliki orang lain :)
Xoxo ,
Jumat, 02 April 2010
Hot Gossip
Cobain deh , tapi kalo yang fruit en veg belom nyobain .. hahah :p
baru nyoba dua .. yang satu namanya cucumber lime :) campurannya orange + apple + grape + lime + cucumber + celery + starfruit = GREAT TASTE !
(Maaf kalo ada kata yang kurang berkenan)
Xoxo ,
Rabu, 31 Maret 2010
Komik (Again)
Chapter one berjudul Romance of Herself ..
Ceritanya tentang cewek SMU yang bernama Kozue jatuh cinta pada guru matematikanya , Asanotti ..
Padahal Kozue berjanji untuk memutuskan saklar cintanya karena dia sudah 3 kali gagal dalam percintaan ..
Tapi perasaan yang dirasakan Kozue terhadap Asanotti berbeda , Sampai suatu saat dia bertemu dengan Hirai cowok yang akhirnya menyatakan cinta pada Kozue . Sayangnya , dia menolak karena Kozue mencintai Asanotti . Kozue sedih ketika tau bahwa Asanotti sudah mempunyai pacar , tapi Hirai terus menghiburnya walaupun perasaan Hirai tak bisa dibalas . Hirai mengerti Kozue yang mencintai Asanotti , lalu Hirai menyuruh Kozue untuk tetap mencintai Asanotti .
Asanotti semakin lama semakin perhatian pada Kozue hingga saat kelulusan , Kozue tau bahwa Asanotti putus dari pacarnya dan Asanotti membalas perasaan Kozue :)
Chapter two judulnya Love The Empty Me ..
Tentang cewek cupu bernama Matsushima Nonoko yang ditunjuk menjadi ketua kelas semester 3 , sementara itu cowok populer baik hati bernama Rei Ozawa juga ditunjuk sebagai ketua kelas . Nonoko tak menyangka bisa berpartner dengan Rei . Awalnya Nonoko keberatan berpartner dengan Rei tapi lama-lama Nonoko jatuh cinta pada Rei :D
Nonoko salut dengan Rei yang bekerja di sebuah restoran untuk menghidupi ayahnya dan dia .
Sebagai proyek kenang-kenangan kelulusan , Rei dan Nonoko punya ide untuk mengambil foto candid siswa/siswi dan di-albumkan .
Saat yang dinantikan Nonoko , menyatakan cinta pada Rei ! tapi Rei buru-buru menjawab itu semua .
Akhirnya kelulusan tiba , Rei dan Nonoko berfoto bersama dan itu sebuah kenangan yang nggak bakal dilupain Nonoko seumur hidupnya .
Chapter three berjudul Cheeky ..
Kira Yamashita , cewek SMU yang ditembak Nobu si cowok SMP . Kira parno , dia menginginkan cowok yang lebih tua seperti Aiba , seniornya .
Suatu waktu Kira bertamu kerumah Nobu dan terkejut melihat Aiba di rumah Nobu . Ternyata mereka kakak adik . Nobu akhirnya tau cowok SMP yang menembak Kira adalah adiknya sendiri . Nobu terlihat menjauh dari Kira tapi beda dengan Kira yang terus terusan memikirkan Nobu .
Kira pun sadar bahwa ia mencintai Nobu . Kira pun menyatakan cintanya meskipun Nobu tak tahu harus menjawab apa .
Sekian dulu yah capek ngetiknya nihh !
Xoxo ,
Selasa, 30 Maret 2010
Mendadak Drama
Nah komik ini dibagi five chapter ..
Chapter one berjudul A Girl's Of Melancholy . Di sekolah kita pasti banyak yang membentuk gang begitu juga di SMA - nya Eiko Tsujikawa . Tapi dia sedih karena nggak bisa masuk salah satu gang . Eiko benar - benar sendiri . Apalagi sahabatnya meninggalkan dia begitu aja . Kedatangan Izumi Kitahara di sekolah Eiko membawa sebuah angin segar :)
Chapter two berjudul Firefly Rain..Tentang seorang cewek bernama Chisato sedang berjalan - jalan dengan anjingnya Chiroll (mirip Hitler hehe). Dia kesasar di suatu tempat yang baguuus banget , banyak kunang - kunangnya *my favourite chapter !* . Trus dia ngeliat cowok di tempat itu (liat gambar yang diatas) . Cowok itu bernama Kazuki . Chisato pengiin banget ketemu cowok itu lagi . Malemnya dia ke tempat itu lagi tapi , Kazuki dateng telat ke tempat itu gara-gara temennya (namanya Yamada) nelfon dia .
Nah besoknya Chisato dateng lagi tapi tanpa Chiroll (karena si Chiroll sakit) . Si Kazuki ternyata juga dateng . Terus mereka ngobrol - ngobrol , tapi sialnya Chisato lupa nanya nama si Kazuki . Esoknya Chisato cerita sama temennya yang TERNYATA adiknya Kazuki (tapi Chisato gak tau) dan berharap supaya dia bisa ketemu lagi sama Kazuki . Dan kayaknya Chisato ketemu lagi deh sama Kazuki .
Soalnya mereka satu sekolah dan di adegan terakhir mereka hampir bertemu gitu (chapternya setengah - setengah sih !) .
Chapter three judulnya Peter Pan Monochrome ..
Nah ceritanya ada sekolah yang lagi menentukan drama apa yang bakal dipentasin pas Festival Budaya di SMA . Setelah debat panjang akhirnya yang dipilih drama berjudul Peter Pan . Koichi Higashi ditunjuk sebagai Peter Pan dan yang menjadi Wendy adalah Mari teman Mio . Higashi ingin Mio menjadi Wendy tapi Mio lebih suka menjadi Tinkerbell . Mio sudah lama memyukai Higashi tapi mereka tidak mungkin jadian karena mereka sudah mempunyai pacar .
Mio selalu terbayang sama Peter Pan dengan wajah yang mirip Higashi . Keduanya putus dari pacar masing-masing hingga saat - saat terakhir Higashi mengatakan bahwa dia menyukai Mio .. (My favourite chapter !)
Chapter four judulnya Silver Tear and Snow
Sanada bingung ingin merayakan natal dimana ? Dirumah bersama adiknya Mahiru dan ibunya atau Seto cewek yang menyukai Sanada . Ketika Mahiru tau Sanada akan merayakan natal bersama teman-temannya Mahiru menangis sampai malam . Sanada bingung harus bagaimana lagi ?
Akhirnya Sanada merayakan bersama Seto dan teman-temannya dirumah Takeda teman Sanada . Dia tidak berlama-lama merayakan natal dirumah Takeda dan dia pulang membawa boneka hewan kesukaan Mahiru . Ternyata Seto membuat kejutan untuk Sanada dengan membawa teman-temannya untuk merayakan didepan rumah Sanada bersama Mahiru . Malam itu menjadi malam terindah buat Sanada karena ia merayakan natal bersama dua orang yang ia sayang .
Chapter five judulnya Doctor and A Little Witch
Tentang seorang penyihir cilik yang jatuh cinta pada seorang doktor yang tidak akan menggunakan sihirnya lagi . Demi bertemu doktor itu ia menyamar menjadi seorang wanita yang pura-pura sakit . Ia terus memancing agar doktor itu menunjukan kemampuan sihirnya . Saat itulah ia bersama doktor itu terbang bersama menggunakan sihir :)
Semua chapter bagus-bagus tapi sayang setengah-setengah .. pengin nyari komik yang alur ceritanya sama tapi gak setengah - setengah . Kalo kamu tau komen yah ..