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The Only Exception

Minggu, 18 April 2010

All I Wanted !! *my fave song yayyy !!*

Hihihi , gue lagi sukaaa banget sama lagu All I Wanted-nya Paramore xD .
soalnya suara Hayley disitu *ih-wow-amazing !!* .
Lagunya juga uenak banget :)
Four thumbs up deh buat Paramore cause udah bikin lagu-lagu yang keren ! hihihihi


Think of me when you’re out, when you’re out there
I’ll beg you nice from my knees
When the world treats you way too fairly
It’s a shame I’m a dream

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

I think I’ll pace my apartment a few times
And fall asleep on the couch
And wake up early to black and white re-runs
That escaped from my mouth

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

I could follow you to the beginning
Just to relive the start
And maybe then we’ll remember to slow down
At all of our favorite parts

All I wanted was you

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

Xoxo ,


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